Scripps Asking for Voluntary Self-Disclosure on Vaccines


Yesterday FTVLive showed you an internal email from WWSB (Sarasota) General Manager Jeff Benninghoff in which he asked employees at the Gray station to respond to his email as to whether or not they received a COVID vaccine?

We wrote, “The fact that the General Manager is asking for the employees’ medical information is a bit of a slippery slope.”

Scripps is also asking its employees if they have gotten the shot yet, but the big difference is Scripps is informing the staff that giving this information to management is “voluntary.”

That is a big difference in the fact that they are not demanding that employees give their personal health information, but are asking if they would like to.

Clearly, knowing which employees are vaccinated or not can help a company when it comes to easing restrictions at the stations.

While Scripps wants to know, they are putting the employees’ privacy first as it should be.

Here is a portion of the memo sent to the Scripps staff and obtained by FTVLive:
