Denver General Manager: Our Station's Future is in Danger


Scripps KMGH (Denver) studio is located at Speer & Lincoln, it’s centered at one of four gateways to downtown. Thousands of cars pass by the building each and every day.

Scripps planned with a developer to knock the building down in order to add condos and stores. The move could make Scripps millions of dollars.

When the community found out about the plans, three people stepped forward and thought that the building should be preserved as a historic landmark.

Denver law only requires three people to apply for historic status to block demolition. And that appears to be what happened.

Obviously, without the new construction, this could be a huge blow to Scripps' bottom line.

Now, KMGH General Manager Dean Littleton is trying to sway the public and more importantly the politicians and posted a reaction on the station’s website.

Littleton claims that if the new building is not allowed, it will endanger the future of the TV station.

About the building, Littleton writes:

To be blunt, it’s not a nice building in which to work. It is a burden on our staff, our resources and our mission. This building is not well-suited for collaboration. It is dark, disjointed, inefficient, and terribly expensive to maintain. By its very nature, this is an unwelcoming building with no activation at the street level. It is dated and foreboding, offering little to the neighborhood beyond concrete walls and security fencing (an unfortunate byproduct of the current threats against the press). In fact, few Denverites have ever even stepped inside, and fewer will in the future if the site cannot evolve.

Will KMGH sway opinions and get their new building?

This seems to be more about money than it Is about the station, but hey, whatever works, I guess.