Do They Just Not See it?

CNN’s Brianna Keilar did a segment complaining about Fox News opinion host’s “creative” chyrons when it comes to President Joe Biden.

The chyrons that pop up on shows like Hannity and Ingraham implying Biden is senile.

One chyron reading, “Who is pulling the strings in the Biden [White House]?” “See the question mark there? That’s really just a fig leaf for a conspiracy theory,” Keiler said.

CNN media critic Brian Stelter chimed in as well.

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Keilar and Stelter’s point about Fox’s chyrons is right, but apparently, their memory is awful.

When Trump was President, CNN was doing exactly what they are now winning about.

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Stelter's own show the ironically named “Reliable Sources” questioned Trump’s mental health as well.


I do find it funny how CNN changes the message when the shoe is on the other foot.

You might not believe this, but there was a time when cable news reported a story, giving viewers all sides and then letting the viewer make up their own mind as to what they thought.

Now, cable news tells you what to think, shows you their story and you have to decided if it even happened at all?
