The Cuomo Brothers Tit for Tat

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Things seem to be going from bad to worse for the brothers Cuomo.

According to reports, during the height of the COVID pandemic, CNN host Chris Cuomo had his brother New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on his show numerous times to laugh and giggle while Chris glowing reported what a great job Andrew was doing.

Off-air, Andrew Cuomo was giving Chris, other Cuomo family members, and bigwigs priority coronavirus testing when it was very hard to find.

The Cuomo administration denied the allegations of preferential treatment.

Despite the fact that Chris Cuomo appeared to use his brother’s position to jump the line in getting tested, CNN is acting like that is perfectly fine.

A CNN spokesperson released this statement, “It is not surprising that in the earliest days of a once-in-a-century global pandemic when Chris was showing symptoms and was concerned about possible spread, he turned to anyone he could for advice and assistance, as any human being would.”

Ummmmm, not any human being has a brother that is governor of New York or hosts a show on CNN. Also, it sure seems that while Andrew Cuomo was getting praised by his brother on CNN, Chris Cuomo was getting easy access to hard-to-find COVID testing.

The fact that CNN seems to be okay with this, tells you everything you need to know about CNN.