He's Just a Kid
Colin Scroggins bills himself as a Crime Reporter covering the Chattahoochee Valley which is in the Columbus, GA area.
Scroggins is 15 years old and has built up quite a following on social media. His Facebook page has over 30 thousand likes.
Scroggins has many fans, but it seems WRBL Producer Jolyn Hannah is not one of them.
She was lashing out at the Junior Reporter on social media:
She then called Scroggins out for a past mistake and one person came to the kid’s defense, again telling the Producer that the kid was only 15 years old.
Young Colin Scroggins also took to his FB page to call out Hannah for her attacks.
The fact that a 15 year old is interested in Journalism and has built up a solid following for the work he has done should be commended and not mocked.
The fact that a Journalist at a Nexstar station feels threatened by him, shows that he is making an impact.
Instead of tearing the kid down, you would hope that other Journalists might be helping the kid out and giving him advice. The fact that a adult is taking aim at a teenager is a bit frustrating to say the least.
You want to tear down a Journalist for doing a bad job, go right ahead, but my God, this is a kid. You should be embracing the fact that he is so interested in Journalism at his age.
I think that this person’s comment said it very well.
Also, props to WTVM Morning Anchor Ben Stanfield, who passed along some encouragement and also offered to help.
As for Jolyn Hannah, she should apologize to the kid. He obviously has a goal of being a Reporter and we should encourage that and not mock the kid for pursuing that goal.
Keep in mind that name Colin Scroggins, I have a feeling you will be hearing about him again.
Just saying….