Laura ingraham is as Well....
/Not only is Sean Hannity losing it over the fact that his texts that he sent to the White House of January 6th were released, but so is Laura ingraham.
ingraham. also texted the White House on January 6th with her advice to Donald Trump and what he should be doing as his supporters took over the U.S. Capitol.
Ingraham texted Trump’s chief-of-staff Mark Meadows saying, “Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home,” Ingraham texted Meadows. “This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.”
Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican read aloud the texts from both Ingraham and Hannity and the Fox host seemed to have a problem with that.
Ingraham said that Cheney’s actions had “sent left-wing media hacks into spin and defame mode.”
But, clearly, it was Ingraham that was trying to spin.
She then attacked members of the media and added a final dig at Cheney for reading her texts aloud, “People like Liz Cheney will soon lose her Wyoming primary,” she predicted.
And you can bet that Laura ingraham will do all she can to make that prediction come true.
It seems the bully doesn’t like being called out for her actions.