Gone From Gray Television


As FTVLive has been telling you, Gray Television has cut ties with a number of employees that have decided against getting the COVID vaccine.

Staffers had until October 1st to be vaccinated, or their employment with Gray would be terminated.

A number of Gray employees are now ex-Gray employees, after refusing the vaccination.

But according to sources, there is one former Gray employee that might have got the short end of the stick on this new policy.

KXII (Sherman, TX) Anchor Dan Thomas was one of those that were let go by Gray after not receiving the vaccine.

But, sources tell FTVLive that Thomas might have had a good reason not to get the jab.

Sources tell FTVLive that Thomas wanted to get the COVID vaccine, but his doctors advised him not to. Thomas is he is allergic to PEG and polysorbate part of the COVID vaccines.

The CDC’s website says:

“If you are allergic to PEG, you should not get an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get the J&J/Janssen vaccine.

If you are allergic to polysorbate, you should not get the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

That means that Thomas, according to sources, is advised by the CDC and his own doctors that he should not get the vaccine due to allergy concerns.

Sources also tell FTVLive that Thomas did contract COVID and that in itself should give him some sort of immunity.

Despite all this and according to sources, a note from his doctor, Gray still decided to part ways with the Anchorman.

While FTVLive agrees with Gray’s policy when it comes to releasing unvaccinated employees, it appears that in this case, Gray might want to take a second look.

Just saying….