Aren't Station's Doing Exactly What They Tell Staff Not to Do?

FTVLive has often pointed out how many of the talent on TV, also seem to be social media influencers as well. They are pitching products and giving “their code” on their station branded social media, in an attempt to make a few extra bucks.

FTVLive got this email and it makes a good point as to why this trend is happening and also points out that the TV stations are doing the same thing they are telling their staff not to.

I thought I should share this email as it raises some good points:

We generally frown upon individual journalists from taking this social influencer and advertiser role. I generally agree. You post about this all the time. There is a serious conflict of interest with news standards. Journalists should focus on informing the public. Not filling their pockets of $$$. But since the job does not fill the pocket for most... and they have influence... they naturally go right to social media. Journalists need money too. I wish it was no excuse... but the TV news market pays us so little compared to other college grad positions that you point out.

We focus on the individual. Justified but is not the whole story. I will not forget those up the ladder. The employers can always work to train the socially addicted on how to be the best journalist, aware that the talent pool gets shallower and shallower, and potentially cheaper in some instances.

And also, local news stations themselve do this to a much greater degree. Did we forget John Oliver's piece on basically the equivalent: (See video below).

So is it really frowned upon? I wish it was. But the system's foundation is making it accepted, and maybe now normal. The next step is... we don't even question it.

Maybe the person quick to blame a social influencer is doing the same thing themselves.