Another Round of Surgery

WKYC (Cleveland) Reporter Monica Robins is, unfortunately, going under the knife yet again.

Two years ago Robins was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent surgery. Doctors were forced to leave some of the tumors in due to concerns over her safety.

"They had to leave behind four tumors," Robbins explained. "Every six months, I'd have an MRI to make sure these things weren't growing. I knew the whole time there was a risk of that happening.

"As luck would have it, the one in my eye socket decided to spread, and it grew into my sinus and again it's in my bone, so I have to go back into surgery."

"Mine is threatening my life and vision," she said.

She is scheduled for surgery in mid-December and she'll need about three months to recover before doctors reassess and decide of more surgery is needed. She also may have to undergo radiation, but it's too soon to tell if that will be necessary.

FTVLive sends our well-wishers her way and we hope all goes well.