You Knew He Would Go There

Think about this….

If everyone that could have gotten the COVID vaccine and did get the vaccine and wore masks in following the CDC guidelines, it is a good bet that COVID would not be much of an issue in this country.

But, hospitals are still being overrun and people are continuing to lose loved ones from the virus.

Yesterday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell died from COVID complications.

Now, as most pointed out, although Powell was vaccinated, he was also 84 years old and had a specific cancer that reduces the efficacy of vaccines.

But, you just knew that Fox News host Tucker Carlson was going to use Powell as proof that the COVID vaccine doesn’t work.

In his effort to throw dirt on Powell and the vaccine, before the man is even in his grave, Carlson talked about how Powell died from COVID even though he was vaccinated. He did not mention the cancer in his take.

Carlson wasn’t the only one at Fox News to question the vaccine.

Shortly after the death of Powell was announced Fox News anchor John Roberts posted a tweet question the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Again, no mention that Powell was 84-year-old and suffering from cancer.

After some blowback, Roberts later deleted the post and then tried putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

At least one guest of Fox News was willing to call out some of those at the network. She only needed to look at the person in the box next to her.

No medical expert has said that the COVID vaccine is 100% effective against the virus. The Pfizer and Moderna show to be about 90% to 95% effective. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is just above 70%.

So, can you get COVID if you have had the vaccine? Yes.

That is why many of us are still wearing our masks when we had into groups of people, like the grocery store and other places.

The fact, that there are still people at Fox News that are swaying the opinion of their followers to not get vaccinated is one of the reasons we are still deep into this pandemic.

But yet, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott says that she has no problem sleeping at night.

I’m happy for her and maybe when and if the COVID pandemic ends, I will be able to do the same.