More UnVaxxed Gone From Gray


With the deadline now here, it appears that more staffers are out at Gray TV stations after they decided not to get the COVID vaccine.

Back in August, FTVLive told you that Gray had issued a mandate that employees must be vaccinated to continue to work for the company.

In the memo sent to the staff about the new policy, Gray management said in part:

“Effective October 1, 2021, Gray Television will require all full-time and part-time employees, as well as all outside contractors, tenants, and guests who enter our workspaces, to be “fully vaccinated” against the coronavirus (as defined by the CDC)”

Well, today is October 1st and we are hearing about more unvaccinated people that are now gone.

A source tells us at Gray’s WWSB in Sarasota, at least two on-air people and one person behind the scenes have been told that their services are no longer needed.

Not sure why those decided against getting the vaccine, but if they are looking to stay in TV news, they might find it a bit tough.

TV ownership groups, such as Gray, Scripps, Disney, Tegna, Meredith, and others have all passed policies for employees to be vaccinated.

Nexstar seems to be one of the few major media group holdouts against the mandate on the vaccine.

Many that are working at stations that are requiring the vaccine have told FTVLive that they appreciate knowing that when they come to work, they know that the people that they work alongside are vaccinated.

It’s sad that despite the science showing that the vaccine is safe and effective that there are still people out there that won’t get the shot.

If you were only putting your life and health in danger, I would have no problem with those that have not educated themselves on the safety of getting the vaccine.

FTVLive applauds those companies that are making the vaccine a requirement of employment and working to keep their employees safe.

It’s sad that it had to come to that, but I feel that these media companies have made the right call.