Shepard Smith: This is Why I Left Fox News

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Shepard Smith left Fox News suddenly and it created a media buzz. Another sitting out months, Smith returned to air on CNBC, where he has been largely ignored.

Reruns of crazy Trump stooge Lou Dobbs often beat Smith’s show on MSNBC.

But, for now Smith seems to be happier at CNBC than he was at Fox News.

In an upcoming interview with PBS’s Christine Amanpour, Smith says about Fox News, “I stuck with it as long as I could.”

He blasted the network, saying, “If you feel like the Fox viewers were getting mis- or dis-information, I was there to make sure that they got it straight,” Smith told Amanpour . “There were a lot of others in there who I thought were trying to do the same thing. But I thought to just abandon it, and to deprive those viewers of — it wasn’t just me, there was an entire team of people getting the news on the air, to deny them that, with the thought that they might replace it with opinion instead, seemed a little selfish.”

Speaking of some of his former colleagues at Fox News, Smith said something FTVLive has been saying for quite a while, “I don’t know how some people sleep at night… There are a lot of people… who are smart enough and educated enough to know better,” he said.

Now, Smith is over at CNBC, but for the most part has yet to find an audience and CNBC is surely hoping that that happens.

As for Smith, my guess is he is sleeping just fine.