Dan Rather: Do I Stay on Facebook


88-year-old former CBS Anchor Dan Rather says he is facing a dilemma when it comes to Facebook.

Rather tweets often on Twitter, but in an interview with Esquire, Rather was asked this:

ESQUIRE: Do you have any misgivings about continuing to use Facebook, given the questions around the site’s allowing misinformation in the name of free speech?

RATHER: Yes. I do. It’s a dilemma. I don’t want to make an excuse—I’m responsible for what I do. But increasingly I’ve been asking myself the question, Do I stay on Facebook? And I discuss it with the younger people on my staff—of course they’re all younger now.

I confess that part of me says, Listen, time to go. Just on a matter of principle. On the other hand, it’s the old story where we’ve spent a lot of time and a lot of effort to carve out a space for ourselves on Facebook, and for an aging anchorman on the back side of the slope, a Facebook following of 2.6, 2.7 million people, I don’t apologize for saying to myself, “Tough to give that up.” When you write something, you hope somebody will read it. Otherwise why are you doing your work?

So the answer to your question is, at this very moment, just swallow hard and go on. And I’m not sure I’m right about that.

Come on Dan, you’re 88!

On Facebook, you would be considered one of the young’uns.

Also, Dan Rather can go on Facebook if he wants, but God forbid, I hope he doesn’t jump on Tinder.