And Here is the Opposite...

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While Trump's interview with Axios Reporter Jonathan Swan is making headlines around the world,  Gray Television Washington Bureau Chief Jacqueline Policastro also had an “exclusive: interview with Trump and it was the complete opposite.

Policastro's interview with Trump barely registered a blip in the news cycle -- even at the Gray stations.

Policastro highlights a new Trump pledge to deliver an additional $600 stimulus checks if congress refuses to act but provides zero followup to ask Trump how he could mail money that isn't appropriated?

The rest of the interview is easy questions and head nodding, except for the one interjection where Policastro says she "pressed" the president about Democrat allegations he is suppressing the vote.

She tweeted out about her big “exclusive” last night in primetime and when we checked the tweet got just 1 like and 1 retweet.

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Reporters, if you get the chance to interview the President or any top politician, go in prepared and be ready to follow up and push back. You can’t just go in with a list of prepared questions and star rambling them off.

The viewer needs you to be a real Journalist and now is the time to step up.

You can watch Gray TV the interview at this link, but I can assure you, it offers up almost no news value.