He's the Jerome Powell of CNN


Many investors hate it when Chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell starts talking while the stock market is open.

Investors say that everytime Powell starts talking, the stock market goes down.

Maybe CNN has their own version of Jerome Powell?

Last weekend, CNN media critic Brian Stelter’s new book titled “Hoax” was sitting at the top of the charts on Amazon.

It stay in the No. 1 spot up until Stelter started talking about the book.

Skippy started his book tour on Tuesday, the day the book came out. He was all over CNN and MSNBC pimping it and also went on NPR and other media outlets.

Often times, when the author starts pimping a book, the sales tend to increase, but not this time.

The more Stelter talked, the further the book fell on Amazon. ‘

Looking at Amazon’s listing this morning shows that Stelter’s book has dropped from No. 1 down to No. 14 and is even now behind Sean Hannity’s book (Ouch!).

It seems the more Stelter pimps his book, the farther it falls.

He might want to take the Joe Biden approach and just sit back and keep quiet.

Just saying….