Guess They Pay Better Over There...


It is often said that the lowest person on the anchor totem pole is the Traffic Anchor.

Often, the Traffic Anchor is a young female that is not paid all that well, but is using the job as a stepping stone in the business.

But, over in Australia, it appears that they pay their Traffic Anchors a bit better.

Marina Ivanovic works for the Today Show in New South Wales, but she also has her social media followers logging on as she documents her lavish, jet-setting lifestyle on Instagram. 

She posts what I now guess is the obligatory bikini pics:


But she also shares photos of her vacations to exotic destinations such as Malta, Italy and Morocco, which by the way, she also wore a bikini:


She shares pics of her and her boyfriend, Efe, who is a model, because of course he is.  


Clearly Marina has a better life than you or I and obviously she makes more money that the Traffic people in Paducah as well.

And I can assure you, none of those Traffic Anchors have a boyfriend named Efe.

Just saying….