Tucker Carlson’s Top Writer has Resigned after Racist Posts


This will come as a surprise to almost no one…

One of Tucker Carlson’s top writers has resigned from Fox News after it was discovered that he posted racists rants online using a pseudonym.

CNN, who obsesses on Fox News, said that Carlson’s staffer Blake Neff resigned from Fox News after they contacted him to ask about his racist posts.

According to CNN, Neff wrote posts that included the N-word and seemed to target Blacks. In one post, CNN says that Neff wrote, “Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down.”

In another, he said, “Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep,” according to CNN.

Fox News has not commented on Neff, or his “resignation.”

Neff also worked for Carlson at the Daily Caller. Carlson has since sold his stake in the website.

As for Carlson employing a racist, I think most people be like…..