That Didn't Age Well for Fox News


As New York was in lockdown due to the coronavirus, many on the air at Fox News praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for getting it right.

“For weeks the media has been showering praise on Gov. Andrew Cuomo for his handling of New York's COVID crisis, but at the same time they were warning us that Florida under the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis was a ticking time bomb for viral spread,” said Fox host Laura Ingraham on the May 7 edition of her prime-time show. “That ticking time bomb never went off.”

Guess what Laura, it has and Florida is in a crisis.

Sean Hannity praised DeSantis on his prime-time show. “He took very aggressive steps right away to shield Florida's very high percentage of retirement communities and nursing homes from the virus,” Hannity said, after bashing the coronavirus response of New York’s leaders.

 Fox contributor Mike Huckabee praised DeSantis’ unwillingness to issue a strict stay-at-home order because “no matter what rules you put in place, some people are going to break them.” Huckabee also downplayed the crisis, comparing its risks to driving a car or drinking too much alcohol. “There are people who speed in their cars no matter what the speed limits are. There are people who smoke and they drink too much and they act irresponsibly and recklessly. That doesn't mean that you ought to shut down the entire world because of a few people who are reckless with their lives.”

On May 7, Fox host Jesse Watters praised DeSantis, claiming that “Florida is in great shape” before blaming “very low-income people” in New York for spreading the virus by touching “a lot of handles and doorknobs.”

In an interview on the May 14 edition of Fox & Friends, as coronavirus cases skyrocketed in elder-care facilities across Florida, co-host Brian Kilmeade congratulated DeSantis for his success. “You took a risk, you were out on a limb, and it's paying off and the people of Florida, I'm sure, are grateful for it.”

Well, Brian, I am a Florida resident, I’m hold up in my house and I have friends that are now fighting the virus and hoping to survive.

DeSantis opened up Florida way too early! Most people knew it, but many at Fox News praised him for doing so.

Now Florida is leading the way in new cases and the number of deaths just hit a daily record.

Instead of informing viewers, you guys decided to make it political. You bashed blue state governors while praising the work of DeSantis and others leading red states.

Now Florida is fucked and you guys couldn’t care less.

This virus should have never been about politics or red vs blue. It should have been about stopping the spread, keeping people as safe as possible, and telling people to wear a mask.

You guys praised DeSantis about the “great job” he was doing. You helped create this mess here in Florida and on behalf of the residents that are now here dealing with it.


I’m sorry, but this time it’s personal.

H/T Media Matters