A Few Question for Howard Kurtz of Fox News


Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz posted a tweet with an insensitive reference in it.

This is what Kurtz posted:


More than three hours later, Kurtz posted this after deleting the tweet:

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 3.27.34 AM.png

A few questions for Mr. Kurtz….

First, you said that you posted the first tweet in a hurry and should have never used the word. Yet, it took you 3 hours to pull it down and say you were sorry. Why?

Second, is it really in your DMA that when you do things “in a hurry” you just let racist remarks fly? If you have to take time to not say anything racist, you might want to take a deeper look inside.

Lastly, do you think that working alongside people like Laura Ingraham has made you insensitive to making comments like this? Or, have you always been like this?

I’ll hang up now and listen for your reply….