Twitter Finally Does Something

While Trump has accused a former Congressman and MSNBC Anchor of murder on Twitter, the platform just sat back.

In fact, Twitter has let Trump tell untruths over and over again, and the company did nothing.

But, when Trump once again made the claims that mail-in voting will be ripe with fraud, Twitter added a disclaimer.

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By the way, knowing a number of Trump supporters like I do, they seem to me like the ones that would try and commit voter fraud. I’m just talking about the ones that I have met.

Anyway, now Trump is clapping back at Twitter saying that they are meddling in the election and he is going to do something about it.

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Twitter did not delete his tweet, so how are they “stifling” his free speech?

This is the same guy that claimed that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of election fraud and he was going to create a task force to look into it.

There was no task force ever put in place and Trump lost the popular vote fair and square.

BTW- While 100,000 people are dead from COVID-19 in the United States and 40 million people are out of work, Trump is tweeting about the stock market and his golf game.

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