Fox News Anchor Loses Two Relatives to COVID-19


Thoughts go out to Fox News Anchor Janice Dean, who sadly lost both of her in-laws to the coronavirus.

Both of her in-laws were in nursing homes and she feels that NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is responsible for some of the blame.

“I have not seen the coverage of this ... ," an emotional Dean said. "Twenty percent of our lost loved ones are from nursing homes ... because Governor Cuomo and several other governors forced COVID-recovering patients into nursing homes.”

Dean, who rarely comments on political issues, felt compelled to speak out after watching a CNN interview in which anchor Chris Cuomo -- the governor's younger brother -- failed to address the growing controversy and instead performed prop comedy with giant cotton swabs.

“The fact that I am seeing, last night, him ... making fun, inappropriate jokes and insensitive jokes, cruel jokes ... make no mistake," Dean said, "I am glad that Chris Cuomo has recovered from COVID because he apparently did have it. And I'm glad that their family is well, but my family is not well. And that is not something to joke about.”

H/T Fox News