Is That a Paid Ad?

CBS Anchor Norah O’Donnell took some time out to post a “ad” for Chef Geoff’s Market in DC.

Chef Geoff’s posted a tweet talking about their home delivery inside the beltway and O’Donnell retweeted it and offered up some of the other items that Chef Geoff’s has to offer.

By the way, The Geoff in Chef Geoff’s is Geoff Tracy and he is married to, you guessed it, Norah O’Donnell.

Is Norah going to retweet other DC eateries, or just ones owned by her husband.

The media called Donald Trump to task for retweeting and commenting on a post from a golf course that he owns, and he should have been called out for it. The President should not use his office to promote his other businesses.

I think the Anchor at CBS News should not do so either.

Just saying…

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