The Inbox....
/On Friday’s Inbox we shared an email that thought CBS was shunning the O&O’s by farming out their weekend newscasts to CBS affiliates that are not O&O’s.
The emailier thought it was a slap in the face to the O&O’s.
An employee at one of the CBS O&O’s responds with their take on the matter:
I think the quality local CBS stations are busy serving our audiences and don't really give a rip about spending our time and resources on doing the weekend national newscast.
What's the point of putting our main anchors on a national stage other than an ego boost for them?
We have somehow figured out how to continue providing all our shows - and CBS network still can't do their own newscasts?
I'd be mad if I were a correspondent.
I don't know why any of the CBS-owned stations should care who's anchoring the Saturday News across the network.