NFL Player Taunts Fired News Director

Back in July of last year, FTVLive told you that Meredith’s KCTV did a story on Kansas City Chief player Tyreek Hill.

The station air a small portion of Hill and his then-fiancee Crystal Espinal taking on an audio recording that was supposedly secretly recorded by Espinal.

The station only aired parts of the audio that reflected badly on Hill. A radio station later released the full recording and it brought more perspective to the whole story and made some people change their minds about Hill.


The station was called out and then News Director Casey Clark went on the station’s sports show to try and help put the toothpaste back in the tube.

9 days ago, FTVLive was the FIRST to tell you that KCTV had fired Clark.

Tyreek Hill seemed to take some pleasure in Clark getting the boot.

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Viewers responded to his one line tweet:

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