Los Angeles News Photographer ‘Kidnapped’ at Knifepoint


A news crew from KTTV (LA) was covering a stay at home protest when things got a bit dicey.

The KTTV crew were covering the demonstration on Friday evening in Huntington Beach when a man “kidnapped” the photographer at knifepoint.

According to Huntington Beach Police, “A male was unhappy with the news crew filming him and allegedly threatened the camera operator while the reporter called police,” a spokesperson for the HBPD said in a statement. “The suspect allegedly held a pocket knife in his hand.”

The Photog was held at knifepoint in the news van by Christien Petersen who wanted to have his image deleted from the camera.

Petersen was arrested and charged with exhibiting a deadly weapon other than firearm during a kidnapping.

The Photog was not hurt.

H/T UrbanHollywood411