The Inbox....


FTVLive has been sharing emails from TV newsies and today’s email is a “thank you” to FTVLive.

So many people email us to say thanks and appreciate what we’re are doing and it is always nice to hear.

We thought we would share this one from a longtime TV news employee.

"Thank You' for a couple of things....first...your response to this guy is right on. I actually did not laugh at all watching was embarrassing and such a lack of "good taste".

I work in a large TV market....and what started out as "funny" with the Emmy in shots...then turned to embarrassing feelings for the daily Emmy shots of so many having to cater to their large egos and insecurities.

My son, a recent college grad. is now viewing your amazement of the "clueless" people in the TV news business..

Thank you for calling these people speak for many of us. But yet again....their actions don't harm me.........just embarrasses some of us who take our jobs seriously.

Here is another email from a TV news viewer in New Jersey:

As a fairly new reader and fan of your blog and as a security guard who is deemed essential personnel during this crisis, I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with you calling out the two young Anchors who think that posting up a rap video about this coronavirus pandemic was a good idea both need to either pull their heads out of their rear ends and see that they were both foolish or their GMs need to pull them into the office for a severe dressing down or firing.

Anchors are the person that viewers turn to for some reason and guidance in these unparalleled times and you go and show a level of immaturity and cluelessness regarding how to address the situation, then try to validate yourself when you get called out on your BS?

No, you deserve what's coming be it from FTVLive or viewers.

And one more from a TV newsie:

There’s not much more that can be said about the rapping anchor and his “justification” for what he did. You said it all very well and very eloquently. I fail to understand how he can justify his behavior by citing a 10 year plus PSA contest. Everything must be put in context, but that requires, thought, compassion and common sense.

BTW- One blogger did not like one of our stories and called us out for it. I plan to shoot a vlog about that and post it next week.

Stay tuned….