The Guy That Sits Across From Steve Doocy

Yesterday on Trump’s favorite morning show, the guy that sits across from Steve Doocy was trying to say that although Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the race, he is still pushing his agenda.

He said, “….it's not goodbye" to socialism yet: "Hello $15 minimum wage, hello Medicare for all, and goodbye oil and gas because fracking is now banned if he gets his way.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but if I’m making an argument against something, saying that paying people more money and giving everyone health insurance as it is a bad thing, might not be the way to go.

Basically, he says no one needs more money and screw those people that need health insurance, we need to take care of the big oil companies instead.

When someone argues like this, my counter-argument would be, “Yeah, exactly what he said…”

Does this guy ever listen to himself talk?