The Emmys and the Cleaning Guy


Former WJW (Cleveland) Anchor (now retired) Bill Martin passed along and Emmy story that we thought was worth sharing.

Here is his story….

A long time ago, I had my Emmys all lined up on the book shelf in the family room.

A guy was over cleaning the carpets. It was a bit noisy. I came into the room to see the progress.

He, over the sound of the cleaning machine yelled out, “do you bowl?”. I wondered, “did he just ask me if I bowled?” I looked at him and shouted back, “Do I bowl?, I have before. Why do you ask?”

He turned back over his shoulder and nodded to the Emmys. I responded, “those are Emmy Awards!” He looked confused, not really knowing what that was and went back to cleaning.

Deflated and humbled, I took them all down and moved them to a secret place (basement-my eyes only).

From them on, to me and my friends, the Emmy became known as ...the “bowling trophy”.