A New ND in the Desert


Back in February, FTVLive told you that KOLD (Tucson) News Director Erik Breon was leaving the desert and headed for the rain.

Breon is now at Fox’s KCPQ (Seattle) and KOLD has now named his replacement.

Here is the internal memo sent to the staff from the GM and obtained by FTVLive:

I am very happy to announce that Jenelle Shriner will become the News Director at KOLD.

Jenelle is currently doing a fantastic job as the News Director at KPLC in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Jenelle started her career as a Morning Producer in her home state of North Carolina. She has made an impact everywhere she has been including Fort Meyers, Seattle, Houston, and Austin Texas.

This is where we met and were lucky enough to work for a great leader and mentor so I know that her drive and desire to be a great broadcaster is above reproach. Jenelle is a Producer through and through. She is a teacher and a leader. Her knowledge and her hands on enthusiastic approach are a perfect fit for both our newsroom and the station. A start date will be established over the next few days and we will relay that to you once we know.

She is excited to get here but she needs to make sure that Lake Charles is in a good place prior to leaving. Feel free to reach out to Jenelle to congratulate her.

I also want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for the efforts as we transition in the control room and as we transition from Erik to Jenelle. We are short handed and working hard to fill those holes.

Everyone’s extra effort is needed and very much appreciated.

Note: An earlier version of this story had the wrong name for the General Manager.