Ummmm.... I Have to Ask

Yesterday, I saw this tweet from Senator Rand Paul, who is the first Senator to be infected with the coronavirus:

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My question is how did the Senator qualify to get a test?

He is asymptomatic and had no known contact with someone with coronavirus, so why was he able to be tested.

I know a guy that is sick, but has been told that he is not sick enough to get the test and told he likely did not have the coronavirus.

He went to the airport, got on a flight out of the country and when he got to his home country, he was tested and did in fact have COVID-19. How many people did he infect on the way? We don’t know, but he never would have gotten on the flight if he knew he was positive.

Yet, Rand Paul, with no symptoms and know known contact with anyone with the virus is able to get a test.


Stop dragging your feet and let people get tested. The more we know, the quicker we stop the spread.

Oh! By the way…. Karma.

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