Speaking of Email to FTVLive

After FTVLive posted our vlog in which we pointed out that many at Fox News and President Trump downplayed the coronavirus, we got this email from an FTVLive reader.

“Trump derangement syndrome in full bloom. If I ever considered be a "patron" you have certainly talked me out of it.”

Like we have said, the FTVLive Patrons are made up of the best people in TV news. The fact that this guy will not become one is totally fine with us.

The fact is, Trump supporter or not, if you don’t think that he downplayed this pandemic right up until he couldn’t, then I’m sorry, you’re the deranged one.

If you don’t believe me, maybe hearing from Donald Trump himself will help:

And if you haven’t yet seen the FTVLive vlog, here you go: