Nashville Station Sends 6 Employees Home to Quarantine


Meredith’s WSMV says that 6 of their employees have been sent home on a 14-day quarantine after an attendee at a telethon last week tested positive for coronavirus.

Word is that the 6 employees may have had contact with the infected individual but are not currently showing any symptoms.

The station released this statement:

This morning, Country Music Television (CMT) management alerted our team that an attendee to last Thursday’s CMT telethon is a confirmed case of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Eight WSMV staff team members were in attendance at the telethon. Two of the employees left the premises prior to that individual arriving. The remaining six employees were in an environment where they may have had contact with this individual, but no contact has been confirmed. As far as we know, none of the WSMV employees have exhibited any symptoms. Out of an abundance of caution, we are taking the following actions:

-The six employees who may have been exposed to this confirmed COVID-19 case have been sent home for a 14-day period from the date of potential exposure.

-We will be disinfecting the entire station over the next 48 hours.

H/T Scoop Nashville