Lobbing Softballs

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For some reason it has become customary for the President to sit down with a news anchor of the station that is airing the Super Bowl.

Not sure why this is, but President Trump kind of/ sort of continued the tradition yesterday.

We say kind of, because Trump did not sit down with a Fox News anchor, but instead sat down with his lap dog Sean Hannity.

Hannity did not ask tough questions and just lobbed softballs as expected. He did let Trump attack others including Mike Bloomberg for being short. Hannity did not follow up with a question about Donald Trump being fat?

He also did not ask if the President actually knew which states the teams playing in the Super Bowl came from? Spoiler alert, he did not. He thought the Kansas City Chiefs were from Kansas.

Former CBS Anchor Ketire Couric was not impressed with Hannity’s reach around with Trump:


I would really hope that Super Bowl Sunday was a day we could just leave politics aside, watch the game and take one day off from politics.

But, if you are going to interview the President, why didn’t Fox News have a real Journalist conduct the interview?

Instead, we watch the budding bromance between Hannity and Trump get even more disgusting.