Feel The Bern

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There is still a very long way to go, but right now Bernie Sanders is clearly the front leader on the Democratic side in the run for the White House.

The problem is that the suits at CNN and MSNBC seem to believe that Sanders is not the candidate that should challenge Donald Trump in November.

MSNBC mouthpiece Chris Matthews caught heat for making the comment about the inability of establishment Democrats to stop Bernie Sanders and comparing it to France’s futile hopes against Nazi Germany’s invasion in 1940.

After being called out for days, Matthews went on air and said he was sorry.

Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz was one of those that said that Matthews should apologize to Sanders.

“Chris Matthews should apologize to Bernie Sanders,” Kurtz said. “I don’t know what he’s waiting for, MSNBC should disavow the remarks, and what horrible thing did Sanders do to warrant this analogy? He clobbered everybody else fair and square.”

The funny thing, I have never heard Kurtz demand and apology from Sean Hannity, or Tucker Carlson for something that they said about a Democrat.

I never heard Kurtz say that Bill O’Reilly should say he is sorry for sexually harassing women.

Yet, here is another media critic that is so quick to call out another network while ignoring his own.

Let’s face it, Chris Matthews is the Tucker Carlson of Sean Hannity’s.

These cable news hosts that spew hate and only say they’re sorry when the heat gets so hot, they have to do it.

If you are trying to educate yourself, decide who to vote for and try to find someone that will get this country back to being civil and not divided, the first thing you should do is never watch cable news again.

Chris Matthews is an idiot and if you look behind him in the idiot line and you will see Howard Kurtz.