The Dream is Reality

Sakina Bowser seemed to do it the same way many others in this business used to do it.

She moved her way through stations, worked her way up and finally landed a job at the network.

She posted about her dream coming true.

This is supposed to be how it works. Start in a smaller market, pay your dues and work your way up.

But now, Bowser’s path seems to be the old way. Big market stations are hiring early 20 somethings fresh out of school and turning them loose on the newscasts.

The product suffers because you have inexperienced kids Producing, Reporting and Anchoring the news. But, the station got them cheap and it all helps pad the bottom line.

Sakina Bowser did it the right way and CBS will be a bit better because of it.

Let the kids make their mistakes and having their growing pains in Yuma, not DC.

Congrats to Sakina on the gig and thank you for paying your dues!

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