Bye Bye in Burlington

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WPTZ Anchor/Reporter David Schneider wrapped up his time at the Burlington station and says that he is leaving the TV news business altogether.

This was his post to viewers as he called in a career last week.

Hey everybody!

Well, it has finally come time to say goodbye. It's the end of a chapter — I'm finally getting out of television news.

But it has been a wonderful 12 years. I think now, as much as anything, I feel gratitude. Incredible gratitude for the trust you've given me, for the connection we've been able to form and for so many people I've spoken with who have welcomed me into their lives and trusted me with their stories to bring you.

It's just something I will always be grateful for; it's a wonderful place.

I think one thing that makes this area so special is the fact that people aren't so much strangers, as neighbors. I think there's nothing quite like it.

This will always be home, so I'll be around!

I hope to see you. Until then, take care.