The Inbox....


Yesterday, FTVLive told you that KTTV (LA) News Chopper Reporter Stu Mundel took to social media to apologize for making an insensitive comment over a hot mic.

After we posted the story, we got this anonymous email from an FTVLive reader.

“So you tell us Stu Mundel said "something insensitive" but you DON'T tell us WHAT he said? You getting wimpy in your old age? WTF - you scared of Fox LA now?”

The only reason we didn’t mention what he said was because we didn’t see the video or have a transcript.

But, thanks for your anonymous email.

Another emailer is a bit more in the holiday spirit:


Just want to thank you for the hard work you do and for keeping us informed. FTVLive is the first site I log onto each morning and you really do a great job of keeping the industry honest.

Have a great holiday!

Lastly, was a Twitter mention from KMGH (Denver) Sports Reporter Nick Rothschild.

I’m guessing that Rothschild did not like the fact that we called him out for this “funny” post.

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First off Nick, it’s hard to do “high level” critiquing when you are talking about a low level post by you.

Second, not sure where you are going with the whole “Twitter engagement” thing, since all you did is post our tweet teasing the story? FTVLive could not care less about Twitter engagement, since we don’t own Twitter. We do like the fact that hundreds of people clicked on the link that took them to, a site that we do own.

Also, from someone with only 1,700+ followers, I’m thinking you are not the the best person to be looking to for Twitter advice.

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Also, we do you keep saying “you’re welcome” when no one has thanked you?

Just wondering….