Milwaukee Anchor Shares His COVID Battle


WISN Anchor Terry Sater tested positive for the ‘rona and he says that he feels lucky to be alive and able to breathe.

The first sign that he had COVID was as he got ready to go on a bike ride, he didn’t feel quite right. “In hindsight, I didn’t listen to my body,” he writes on the station’s website.

He goes onto say by the time I finished and circled back to our house, I was feeling what I thought was good old-fashioned lung burn from breathing hard in the cold.

But since I really hadn’t pushed much on the ride, I should have suspected something else was going on with my body.

He tested positive for COVID and says overwhelming fatigue set in, and all I felt like doing was laying in my chair with my feet on my ottoman covered with a blanket.

I was constantly chilled, then hot in a vicious cycle that was unpredictable and worrisome.

How did I go from riding on Saturday and having the energy to record and edit a video to being so weak I didn’t even want to watch TV or read?

The lung inflammation, shortness of breath, congestion, overall body pain and fatigue continued day after day.

He said he had better days and really bad days, and on his fever gradually disappeared on Thanksgiving Day and never returned.

What also hasn’t returned is easy breathing.

He’s on day 31 of COVID-19 he says. “A week and a half ago, my doctor ordered a chest X-ray and the results showed I have pneumonitis,” Sater writes.

He closes in saying, “I'm on an upward trajectory. This disease is systemic and relentless for some of us.”