Lester Gives His Thoughts....


It appears that NBC News is taking a page out of local TV news.

NBC Nightly News Anchor Lester Holt has now started doing commentaries at the end of his broadcast.

NBC Nightly News has basically 22 minutes to tell you everything that happened in the world and now they are taking a couple minutes of that time away to tell you what Lest Holt thinks.

Holt says he’s filling a need for voices of empathy in public life.

“The days of dispassionate journalism are long gone,” he said. “We have to acknowledge our audience and validate what we’re all seeing.”

I like Lester Holt, but why should the viewer give a crap about what he thinks?

I’m sorry, call me old fashion, but I think the News Anchor’s job is to tell you the news, do it unbiasedly and let the viewer make up their own mind about it.

Having Lester Holt do commentaries, is taking the network evening newscast another step closer to being cable news.

And God only knows, we don’t need more of that crap.