Facts First?

CNN media critic Brian Stelter was tasked with actually trying to do some live “breaking news.”

Well, CNN called it breaking news.

Stelter reported that the first doses of the COVID vaccine were taking off via a FedEx plane out of Grand Rapids, MI.

Stelter tried to be as dramatic as you would fully expect him to be, although there were a few stumbles.

First, he thought Grand Rapids was in the central time zone until he looked at the clock on the screen. He then informed viewers that UPS and FedEx would be working together, with UPS handling the West and FedEx the East. In reality, it is the complete opposite with UPS handing the East and FedEx the West.

So much for “Facts First.”

Watch the media critic try and cover “breaking news” and tell me if it doesn’t look and sound almost like an SNL parody?