The Enemy of the Media Has Been Fired

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Donald Trump, who has spent the past 4+ years trying to tear down Journalism and the freedom of the press, will spend his last two months whining to that very same media about how the election was stolen from him.

It was not.

In the end, Trump will lose by a lot in both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote.


His message of hate, racism, and his fondness for dictators played too many with the same beliefs, but not to enough carry him to a second term.

Trump will go down as one of a handful of one-term Presidents but will be the only one to leave the office kicking and screaming and with no dignity.

Looking back on his 4 years in office, Trump did not have many accomplishments. But, he did accomplish one thing. He got many people in this country to lose faith in the media.

When the President of the United States attacked the media on a daily basis, it had an impact. Trust in the media dropped as Trump’s presidency went on.

Of course, cable news did not help in this effort. I have said it for years, cable news has done as much or more than Donald Trump to divide this country.

Now with President-Elect Joe Biden taking office, the message is unity and coming back together. If he is able to pull that off, Biden will go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever.

Healing this country, so full of hate will be a task like no President has ever seen. But, getting the American people to fully trust the media comes in as a close second.

This will not be Biden’s job, but yours.

Yes, we will now have a President that is not attacking the media on a daily basis. We will have a President that respects the media, but we have to do a better job.

It is time to get back to Journalism. It is time to report the news fairly, tell ALL sides of the story, and leave your opinion out of it.

It is time for companies like Tegna to ditch using comedians to give us the news and hire real Journalists.

It is time for Journalists to focus on the news and not where they will pose for their next selfie.

It is time for stations to use social media as an informational tool and not asking people with character is their favorite on Friends?

It is time that stations start covering the news that affects people’s lives and not focusing on what the Starbuck’s holiday cups look like this year.

Start doing news that matters and start earning the viewer’s trust again.

As for cable news.

Maybe CNN media critic Brian Stelter can stop attacking Fox News on a daily basis? Why CNN obsesses on Fox News and Stelter leads the charge, I have no idea.

My guess is that CNN boss Jeff Zucker will leave at some point in 2021 and maybe parent company AT&T can replace him with someone that wants to bring Journalism back to CNN?

Maybe Fox News can get Sean Hannity, the guy that sits across from Steve Doocy and others, to accept that Trump lost and move on.

Maybe the Fox News and MSNBC hosts can get both sides in Congress to work together, instead of tearing them further apart.

Getting politicians to compromise is as harder than putting toothpaste back in the tube. But, if cable news hosts urge “their side” to do just that, it might happen.

Also, when Trump leaves office, I beg cable news not to give him a platform to continue to tear down the media. Trump says he hates the media, but he will be knocking on doors the second he is out of office, looking for them to hire him.

The media is down but is not out.

As Trump leaves office to hopefully never be heard from again (fat chance) this is a chance for Journalists to look at themselves as well.

Let’s start earning the trust of the American people and, dare I say it, Make Journalism Great Again!