Union Employees at CBS: What About Us?


This is the internal memo that was sent to the staff at CBS from Viacom CEO Bakish. The memo informs them that they will be getting an extra two days of paid time off before the end of the year.

But, if you read the fine print, those that are repped by a union are screwed and do not get the benefit.

Couldn’t have CBS met with the unions and agreed to an amendment that would make it possible that the people in the bargaining units could also enjoy these benefits?

Of course, they could.

As one employee said, the union members have “been coming to work every day since the pandemic started, working in confined control rooms, covering the news in the field at hot spots, hospitals, rallies and testing centers and not allowed inside stations to bathrooms, all while exposing themselves and their families to COVID-19.”

It would be nice if the company recognizes them for doing so.

Here is the internal memo, obtained by FTVLive:

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