Peggy Calling it a Day in Pittsburgh


Longtime Pittsburgh Anchor Peggy Finnegan says that she is going to retire next month from Cox owned WPXI.

Finnegan joined the station almost 30 years ago and partnered up with co-Anchor David Johnson. The two became the longest serving anchor team in the Burgh.

It’s just time,” Finnegan said as she told viewers she was leaving.

“WPXI is like a second home and family for me,” Finnegan said in a statement. “I want to thank Channel 11 and our viewers for trusting me all these years to deliver the news. It’s a privilege I have never taken for granted. It is going to be very hard to say goodbye, but this pandemic is a reminder that life is unpredictable. Staying connected to loved ones, even if masked and socially distanced, is more important to me now than ever before. And that’s at the core of my decision to retire. In the balance between work and life, the scale has shifted decidedly to life. I look forward to sharing more time with my family and dear friends.”

Finnegan will continue to be a part of special report coverage and community events for the station.

On a personal note, I worked with Peggy for almost 5 of her 30 years at the station, which I’m sure she will say were the 5 best years of her career.

Peggy was one of my favorite people at WPXI and one of my favorite people in the business.