Trump Takes Tucker's Side

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Last week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson took Trump lawyer Sidney Powell to task for her wild conspiracy claims and her lack of evidence to prove them.

Powell has appeared on Lou Dobbs tinfoil hat-wearing show on Fox Business making wild claims in which Dobbs just nodded his head and agreed.

After Carlson called her out and claimed that she would not share any evidence, nor appear on his show, Fox Business host and Trump puppet Maria Bartiromo brought her on her show to take a few swings at Carlson for calling her out.

But, yesterday, Trump seemed to listen to Carlson more than tinfoil Dobbs or Maria the puppet. Powell was fired from team Trump and no longer represents the President in his legal dealings.

The announcement of Powell’s firing was made by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

How bad must Powell have been that Trump dumps her and keeps this guy?

Powell is supposed to be the crazy one.


Somewhere, Tucker Carlson is smiling.