TV Stations Need to Step Back

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When the coronavirus pandemic first staring making waves across the country, many TV stations had staff working remotely from their homes.

Stations were only bringing in essential people that needed to be inside the station.

But, as the November book approached, along with the election, a large number of stations started relaxing their rules, and more and more people we asked to return to the station.

Many stations that had anchors doing the news from their homes, now have all their anchors on set together.

This is all happening as the virus and infections are way up. Hospitals are being overrun and TV management seems more concerned with ratings, than they do with employee safety.

A number of stations have employees that are infected with the virus and many other staffers now in quarantine.

Yes, it has been nearly 9 months and yes, we are all sick of sitting at home. But, why did so many stations feel now was the time to relax their policies and bring people back to the station?

All just to look better for the book?

Right now, 1 out of every 10 people that are being tested is infected with the virus.

The good news is there are at least two vaccines that appear to be almost ready and they work. It might be another 4 or 5 months before the vaccine is distributed.

Many of us have made it 9 months, waiting just 4 months longer to be able to go back to being normal does not seem that hard. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

TV stations need to put the health of their staff first! It should be more about them, and not about ratings.

If you work at a station, practice being safe for the sake of your co-workers. Stop going out with friends and stop posting it on social media.

It is time to show some respect for the people your work with and stop making it about you.

As for stations, do the right thing, send the employees back home and try your best to keep them safe.

Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan told employees in an internal memo that “… is unlikely that we will return to our office before June 1, 2021," he said and added, "We did not make this decision lightly." Ryan promised that the paper "will ensure that everyone has at least 30 days' notice before the first stage" of employees returning to the office begins.

TV news departments are well known for following the newspapers when it comes to covering the news. Maybe this is another time that stations should follow a newspaper’s lead.

Just saying….