Why Cover This?

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As Donald Trump continues to sulk that he is a one-term President and was killed in the election by Joe Biden, he has given up on doing his job.

This weekend, Trump will continue to stomp on the democracy of this nation by inviting a number of white supremacists, chauvinists, racists, and other Trump supporters to DC to march and protest the fact that Trump lost in a landslide.

That’s fine, but a number of stations and Tv networks are gearing up to cover the event.

We have to ask why?

This is akin to a 5-year-old that did not get the gift he wanted for his birthday and continues to whine and moan about it.

If you ask me, the DC Trump pitty-party gets a 20 second VO in the newscast and that’s it.

Maybe a package about how he has quit doing the job he was elected to do is a better use of time. Maybe a story that he is the first President in history to refuse to concede the election and help transfer power smoothly to the next President.

The fact that Trump wants to publicly sit in the corner and cry is not worth massive coverage. The fact that white supremacists will be showing up to cry with him is not news.

It’s time for Journalists to be better and stop feeding the ego of a narcissist that is trying to burn down this country on his way out the door.

20 second VO is all this juvenile President deserves on his protest.