Are You Wearing Your Tinfoil Hat?

Let’s be honest, cable news does not always employ the most stable people and that is certainly the case at Fox News.

If you ask me, no one at Fox News has gone off the deep end as much as Gregg Jarrett. At this point, I almost expect to tune into Fox News and see Jarrett wearing a tinfoil hat as he gives his reports.

A few days ago, Jarrett was ready to post a story that he claims was highly critical of Joe Biden. Jarrett says that just as he was getting ready to hit send, his WiFi suddenly stopped working.

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Yeah, because Joe Biden knew exactly when you were going to post the story and he shut off your WiFi. And now he won’t let you tweet either. Well, not from you house anyway.

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The fact that I can picture Gregg Jarrett standing in the middle of the street, wearing a tinfoil hat, and sending tweets on his phone is scary.

I think most of us know what it’s like to have your WiFi drop out at the worst times. I’m fairly certain none of you blamed Joe Biden for it happening.

But, then again, I’m not sure you are as bat shit nuts as Gregg Jarrett.

Now Gregg, get the hell of the middle of the damn street before you get run over. Which I’m sure you will also blame Biden for.

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