Nexstar Nick is Still Employed

Last week, FTVLive told you that KTLA had scheduled and “all hands” meeting and a memo was sent out to the staff.

The meeting was to announce the station’s new GM, but KTLA Photographer Nick Simpson hit reply all and sent this email to the station:


Many Nexstar employees that had previously worked for Tribune are having problems with their paychecks. It seems some are not getting paid, others are having problems with their taxes and withholdings.

Nexstar’s Executive Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer Brian Jones was CC’d on the email and he was scheduled to come to the all hands meeting.

Well, FTVLive is happy to report that Photog Nick is still employed and sources say that in the meeting Brian Jones apologized rather profusely for the massive and widespread payroll disaster. Not only that, but sources say that Jones talked about “making things right” and some kind of compensation for everyone who got screwed.

So, if Nexstar ends up giving those that had trouble with their pay some extra money, you guys might all have Photog Nick to thank for it.

You see, not all heroes wear capes.

It might be time to change his name to Nexstar Nick.