Do You Really Need This?
/With the Impeachment going on in DC, many Senators are being asked questions by the press.
Instead of, you know maybe just answering those questions, the GOP sent Senators a flashcard with suggested phrases to use to avoid Reporters and their questions.
We wish we were making this up, but we’re not:
Not sure how this is “seeking assistance” as the card states. Also, the problem is, the Senators have only been given 5 replies and there a lot of media covering this.
So, FTVLive thought we would help the Senators out with a few more replies when being asked about the impeachment hearings:
“I’m sorry, but I have to go poop”
“I can’t talk right now, I’m expecting a call from my boss Vladimir Putin”
"Can you repeat the question in Russian?"
“Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi”
“I nee
“Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi”
“I need to ask Sean Hannity how I should respond to your question”
“I can’t talk right now, but if I did, I have the best words.”
“Back off and move as I trample Democracy.”
“You’re fake news….”