Please Turn East!

There was a point yesterday that the people here in Florida could take a breath.

Many woke up Sunday morning to the news that Hurricane Dorian was expected to make a turn and move further East.

But then the 11AM update came in and it was back to preparing for the storm. The new path showed in coming even closer to Florida and now hurricane watches and warnings have gone up on the East coast, including here.

The storm has grown into a beast and it is now one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever form in the Atlantic with winds gusting over 200mph.

As for me, I’m set to fly out of Thursday to NAHJ in San Antonio.

It is questionable if that will happen.

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Dorian should be just past us by the time my flight is expected to leave in the morning. But, it just depends on the time and if we have power or not?

You know it’s bad when Senator Rick Scott puts on his Navy hat.

For some reason, anytime bad weather comes to Florida, Scott thinks he needs his Navy hat. Why? It’s not like the wind is going to mess up his hair.

While Scott has his hat on, Trump is tweeting out thoughts for Alabama, which is not in any danger of Dorian and never has been:

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Ugh! I really hope this storm makes a big turn to the East.

As for anyone in or near the path, please stay safe!